July 7, 2024

Chicago Bears’ 2024 Draft Surprise: Experts Favor Drake Maye Over Caleb Williams

The Chicago Bears hold the coveted no. 1 overall pick in the upcoming NFL draft this April, and conventional wisdom suggests they will opt for USC’s highly touted quarterback prospect, Caleb Williams.

Williams appears to meet nearly all the criteria for a top quarterback selection. However, what if the Bears have a different player in mind for the top spot? Could General Manager Ryan Poles and the front office be considering a more unconventional draft strategy?

Perhaps the Bears are open to selecting the next best quarterback in the draft, even if it means taking a gamble on a lower-ranked prospect. They may be enticed by the prospect of acquiring additional high draft picks by trading away their top slot and the opportunity to draft Williams.

There’s been chatter circulating on certain corners of the internet suggesting that the Bears’ choice of Caleb Williams might not be as certain as previously thought.

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