July 7, 2024


The Coventry City manager has encountered numerous challenges since assuming control at The Coventry Building Society Arena seven years ago. These challenges have ranged from minor issues such as conceding goals to major threats like the possibility of liquidation. Despite this, Mark Robins has guided the club from League Two to the Championship, narrowly missing out on promotion to the Premier League in May last year.

Given the extensive journey he has taken the club on, it’s understandable why the club continues to place its trust in him, even during difficult times. Following a 3-1 defeat against Preston North End in November, which saw Coventry slip to 20th in the table, Robins recognized the need for change. Despite initially sticking to a 3-5-2 formation that had served the team well in the previous season, poor results prompted him to switch strategies.

Since implementing a new formation, Coventry has significantly improved, earning 36 points from 19 games and climbing to ninth in the table. Robins’ pivotal moment came when he reintroduced Tatsuhiro Sakamoto into the starting lineup, coinciding with a notable upturn in the team’s performance. With Sakamoto in the lineup, Coventry has experienced greater success, earning an average of 1.7 points per game compared to 1.2 points per game without him.

However, Sakamoto’s recent season-ending injury poses a new challenge for Robins to overcome. Drawing inspiration from former Chelsea manager Antonio Conte, who was known for finding solutions in difficult situations, Robins must devise a new strategy in Sakamoto’s absence. Despite the setback, Robins remains accustomed to dealing with challenges and is expected to adapt accordingly.

Facing a crucial match against West Brom, Robins may consider reverting to a three-man defense, reminiscent of last season’s successful approach. While acknowledging the risk involved, Robins understands the importance of finding the right tactics to ensure the team’s continued success, much like Conte did during his time at Chelsea.

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