July 2, 2024

It is crunch time for Finn Harps—no stadium, no club.

Unless Finn Harps obtain their much-needed new stadium in the very near future, League of Ireland football in Donegal may soon be history.

That is the club’s clear message as the long-running controversy surrounding a planned relocation to a new location—less than a kilometer from the dilapidated and unfit-for-purpose Finn Park—which has served as their home since they joined the League of Ireland in 1969—comes to a head.

The club’s commercial officer, Aidan Campbell, did not mince words when he brought up the gravity of the matter during a pre-season media briefing.

“We will not have a Finn Harps if we do not get a new stadium,” he asserted. “The club’s future rests on acquiring a new stadium.”

In connection with Finn Park, the Harps have been subject to several derogations, in part because of the proposed relocation to a new stadium.

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