July 3, 2024

Adam Schefter from ESPN.com reported last Sunday that punishments for the Falcons (accused of tampering with Kirk Cousins) and the Eagles (accused of tampering with Saquon Barkley) were expected “this week.” As the work week closes without any announcement, unless there’s a surprise update on Saturday, it seems unlikely to happen now.

It’s worth noting that Schefter used the term “likely,” leaving room for uncertainty, and plans can easily change, especially after a leak. There’s no immediate deadline for action, especially if the punishment involves 2025 draft picks, which wouldn’t be due until next April.

Despite the unclear timing, the report last weekend strongly hinted at impending penalties for both teams, with the Falcons possibly facing harsher consequences. Whether it happens today, next week, or later, the punishment is on its way. When it does come, it will be interesting to see both the severity of the penalties and how transparent the league is about the evidence and investigation.

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