Dave Matthews Confirmed Dead by Family. In a heartbreaking announcement, the family of renowned...
Month: October 2024
Slipknot Guitarist Mick Thomson Dies in Motor Accident. In a devastating blow to the...
ATEEZ Announces December Tour, Set to Rock South America. In an electrifying announcement, K-pop...
Max Verstappen Rejects $778.5 Million Deal, Emphasizing That Money Isn’t Everything. In a surprising...
Marilyn Manson Announces Death of Guitarist Twiggy Ramirez in Motor Accident. In a devastating...
Van Halen’s David Lee Roth Dies in Studio While Recording New Album… In a...
Halestorm Lead Singer Collapses While Recording New Studio Album… In a concerning incident, Lzzy...
Black Metal Icon Fenriz of Darkthrone Passes Away. In a heartbreaking announcement, the black...
Nickel Black Announces 2025 World Tour Accompanying New Album. In a thrilling announcement that...
Family Officially Announces Death Of Nick Cave Dies in Motor Accident. In a devastating...