Patty Gasso, the legendary head coach of the Oklahoma Sooners softball team, recently shared...
In a surprising turn of events, star pitcher Nijaree Canady has withdrawn her commitment...
In a surprising and heartfelt revelation, Nijaree Canady, the talented pitcher who recently transferred...
In the wake of losing standout pitcher Nijaree Canady to the University of Texas,...
In a twist that few could have predicted, Patty Gasso, the legendary coach of...
Norman, OK — In an unexpected and emotional turn of events, Oklahoma Sooners’ softball...
OU Softball: Patty Gasso Describes NiJaree Canady as TALENTED but MONEY LOVER after Recent...
Norman, OK — The Oklahoma Sooners softball team, led by legendary head coach Patty...
LEXINGTON, Ky.– Kentucky Wildcats softball star Karissa Hamilton has added a new chapter to...
RICHMOND, Ky.– EKU softball, coming off a standout season, has announced the addition of...